Monday, October 10, 2011

The Damsel in Distress

You say I need help
You say I need you
You say I need this
You say I need anything
But myself

When I was still young
I knew my ABC's and my 123's
When I was still young
I could tie my shoes and braid my hair

But I'm older now and
I don't need a chair to reach the sink
And I'm older now and
I can clean my own messes

When I fall now
I don't need your hand
When I fall now
I can pick myself up
When I fall now
It won't be for you

No. It won't be for you.

'Cause I'm older now and
I can sign my own name
And I'm older now and
I live all by myself

When I fall now
I can get back up
When I fall now
I know how to pull the string
When I fall now
It won't be for you

No. It won't be for you.

'Cause I'm older now and
We aren't playing games
And I'm older now and
I'm not the damsel
And I'm older now and
You aren't the prince
And I'm older now and
I don't need you to save-

Because I've got me and
That's all I need.


  1. Congrats on being depressing and inspiring. I love the idea of being a damsel in distress.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this. I like how wrote it in the format of a song kind of. Very cool.

  3. Man, this was depressing. But funny at the same time. Probably because I'm thinking about murdering someone...

  4. I can totally relate, and i also love the picture. Thanks for making me look at things differently.

  5. Travis, you're freaking me out. Seriously.

    This felt like a Kelly Clarkson song. Don't take that the wrong way. I like Kelly Clarkson.

    Some of these lines are so simple, yet say so much. "When I was still young/ I could tie my shoes and braid my hair"- Innocent.

    "I'm older now and/I can sign my own name"- You've found power and beauty in everyday language and words. Not everyone can do that.

  6. You never cease to amaze me.
    This post was cute, but sad, but empowering, but sweet, it has so many emotions all at once! How do you do that? seriously!
