Dear Diary,
I got into another fight with her again today. I feel like that's all school is now- dirty glances, mean comments, and offensive gestures- all from my best friend. Can you love someone and hate them at the same time? And am I still allowed to call her my best friend if the only time we talk is to accuse each other of being horrible people?
I realize that some of it was my fault. I mean, nothing is ever one sided, right? I'm guilty, but she is too. You just don't do those things to someone that you love, you know?
So here I am at home again, sitting on my bed and simply hoping that things will change. Or maybe even that things will just stop.
Sometimes I'm just done.
But I'll wait. Because I know that you can't be alone. You just can't live like that. So, I'll be patient. And I'll hope. Because sometimes that's all you can really do, isn't it?