Sunday, November 13, 2011

Better Early Than Never

Scarlett wakes up at 6:38 in the morning, like every morning, happy with her reliable lifestyle. After her shower, that lasts exactly ten minutes, she looks in her closet and picks out her favorite red pumps. She wears red shoes everyday. They make her feel classy- no matter that in retrospect, only about half of her shoes don't look like something a prostitute would wear. Regardless, she gets in the elevator of her apartment building at 7:18 and makes it out of the building, on the bus and off again by 7:33. She is running three minutes late, like usual, when she crosses the street towards the building she works at. In the recesses of her mind, she hears a screech of brakes and then everything goes black. Did someone turn out the lights? She slowly opens her eyes, as if waking from a long, dark sleep. For reasons she has a hard time comprehending, she is looking down at a mesh of metal- a taxi cab, it seems, has careened into a street lamp on the sidewalk. She is surprised that the lamp held up better than the car. Not as surprised, though, as she is at the sight of a familiar red shoe sitting very pristine, almost formally, next to the right, front tire of the taxi.


When will Scarlett realize that she is, in fact, dead?
Will Scarlett be able to come to terms with the fact that she never lead a very fulfilling life?
Will Scarlett get another chance? Is it even possible to get another chance?


  1. wow that was a surprise. i totally didnt get she was dead until i read the question.

  2. I love that she wore red shoes. red shoes are the best. i didnt know she had died until i read the question which in ways was cool but kind of confusing. i liked it very much!

  3. I really liked this. very simple and captivating at the same time. I like this a lot.
